Remember that time I said I was adopting two dogs? Yeah, that happened then a fight broke out. Unfortunately for the safety of the submissive dog, we had to return the dog that attacked. It was terribly sad and I had a hard time feeling "okay" after that one. Now, we have the challenge of a dog that has been trying to gain "alpha" status and testing us at every turn. He has NO bite inhibition so that when he does "mouth" it HURTS! So far, dog ownership hasn't been great. I think we just need more time with him to get there. We shall see. The last thing we want is a dog attack on us or the cats. Ryder (his name) has had one session with the trainer (and us), so we might have to give it some time.

Enough dog talk though... let's talk about books "baby", let's talk about words "sexy", let's talk about all the good ones and the bad ones that I've seen. Let's talk about BOOKS, let's talk about bookssss.
Did I really just do that? Yes, yes I did. I'm leaving it... deal.
I've been audiobooking Neal Stephenson's "Seveneves" and really enjoying it... although it's LONG (32 hours I think). Anyways, I have a signed copy from BEA but I decided to use an audible credit with this one because I don't want to ruin my signed copy!!!
I'm also reading (or maybe finished by the time this posts) "Between the World and Me" by Ta-Nehisi Coates. I've been hearing excellent things about this one and I have a feeling it has a good chance to be a contender in the Tournament of Books next year. I've been picking what to read next this year based halfway on the belief that they might be Tournament books. I'm curious to see how many I've read by the time the final list comes out. I've been wanting to read more classics this year but it might not be in the cards this year - my obsession with the TOB has me devouring all the latest releases and ignoring blacklists and classics galore. Maybe I just need to get this out of my system... I tend to focus on something entirely (obsessed much?) and drop it like a hat after awhile. I'm sure this will be the same thing.
Can we just talk about Harper Lee a bit? Those numbers?!? I want to say "I'm not surprised" but I kinda am! I guess it's nice to know that a book like that can gain as much momentum as 50 Shades can. Wouldn't you agree?
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